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Clown nieuws (331)

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E.T. Snell, a self-described political activist who often dresses in colorful clown garb to accentuate his points, appeared with one-time adviser to the city, Johnny Salazar, on Wednesday, wheeling a mini-refrigerator Mayor Pro Tem Jermaine Wright ...

Datum: | Bron: VVdailypress.com

An Israeli “medical clown” trained to help victims of terror will be in Manchester next week to visit some of the young people injured in the recent Manchester Arena attack. Known as DuSH, David Barashi is the head medical clown at Jerusalem's Hadassah ...

Datum: | Bron: Jewish Chronicle

Revoici Jean-Baptiste Thierrée et Victoria Chaplin dans un de leurs plus jolis spectacles. Sans cesse, ils remettent l'ouvrage sur le métier et revivifient leurs trouvailles. Le temps ne pèse pas sur ces poètes de piste. À redécouvrir du 21 juin au 9 ...

Datum: | Bron: Le Figaro

ROSEVILLE, Mich. (WXYZ) - Not even 30 minutes after Elandra Sledge and her friend, Jaime Salinis, purchased and put on their creepy clown costumes were the two teenagers being arrested by Roseville Police, accused of terrorizing another teenager and ...

Datum: | Bron: WXYZ

The Guardian view on Brexit Britain: a clown not a lion. Editorial. Leaving the European Union is a huge gamble that shows no sign of paying off. Theresa May needs to be deflected by facts rather than delusions to try and make our post-EU future work.

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

SP-leider Emile Roemer heeft vijf kwartier gesproken met formateur Herman Tjeenk Willink. Als voorspeld heeft dat onderonsje helemaal niets opgeleverd. Roemer weigert nog steeds zaken te doen met de VVD en dringt erop aan dat VVD en CDA “elkaar ...

Datum: | Bron: De Dagelijkse Standaard (Blog)

Zowel Bas als Aad van Toor komen binnenkort met een boek over hun leven en hun carrière. Dat heeft hun zakelijk vertegenwoordiger donderdag laten weten. Het boek van Aad van Toor heet Moe ik kan een salto en is een autobiografie waarin de 75-jarige ...

Datum: | Bron: RTL Nieuws

Clowns have had a rough go of it for a couple of decades now, due in large part to one serial killer and a Stephen King book. But when Ludwick sings of "Junkies and Clowns," her clown isn't a punch line. Rather it's a character that possesses a classic ...

Datum: | Bron: Chron.com

Een clownschool in Zeist leidt mensen op die clown willen worden voor ouderen met dementie of verstandelijk beperkten. De school, een initiatief van Esther Hak trekt geïnteresseerden uit heel Nederland. In bejaardentehuizen bijvoorbeeld worden ...

Datum: | Bron: Nationale Zorggids

As if the real-life clown scare of 2016 wasn't enough, here's Clowntergeist to further fuel your clown nightmares. Clowns are all the rage right now. We've got the remake of Stephen King's IT coming this fall and that might be all that you can stand ...

Datum: | Bron: MovieWeb

A trailer has been released for a documentary looking into the scary clown craze that swept the world last year. The clown craze saw people dressing up in “evil” clown costumes and were usually spotted near forests or schools. Sighting were reported ...

Datum: | Bron: NME.com

We've got standards to live up to. We're not just some dipshits in polka-dot overalls and fright wigs playing grab-ass. We're clown ministers—righteous Christians called to preach the word of the Gospels through costumes, props, and physical comedy.

Datum: | Bron: The Onion (satire) (blog)

Steenwijkerland/Sint Jansklooster – Vrijdag 9 juni wordt in Steenwijkerland een aflevering van de serie Pipo de Clown opgenomen. Deze nieuwe serie wordt door RTL Telekids in het najaar uitgezonden. Burgemeester Rob Bats: “Pipo, Mammaloe, Klukkluk ...

Datum: | Bron: NieuwsOverijssel (persbericht)

A trailer for Behind the Sightings takes the great clown scare of last year and turns it into a psychological thriller. Director Tony Cadwell has taken actual footage from the news to weave a horror story out of the phenomenon that first sprang up in ...

Datum: | Bron: MovieWeb

A trailer for the upcoming found footage horror film Behind the Sightings has been released and it takes viewers into the phenomenon that was the creepy clown sightings that took place over the past couple of years. If you've got coulrophobia, this ...

Datum: | Bron: Dread Central

Directed by Tony Cadwell, the story follows Todd and Jessica Smith, two filmmakers from Raleigh in North Carolina, who set out to produce a documentary exploring the highly publicized, creepy clown sighting epidemic, which was investigated by local law ...

Datum: | Bron: Bloody Disgusting

Niet winnaar Lewis Hamilton, maar Daniel Ricciardo stal na de Grand Prix van Canada de show tijdens de podiumceremonie. De Australische teamgenoot van Max Verstappen mocht als nummer 3 van de race met de Mercedes-coureurs Hamilton en Valtteri ...

Datum: | Bron: Sportnieuws.nl

For years, Jackie Newton, aka Sparkie Da' Clown, has been providing smiles for people of all ages here at the Lake of the Ozarks - and beyond as well. Voted the people's favorite for a single skit in an international clowning contest held in Kansas ...

Datum: | Bron: Lakenewsonline.com

Vanaf 16:00 uur was er penaltieschieten voor jong en oud. Ook clown Marco verstond de kunst van het keepen goed. Voor alle winnaars was er een standaard. De winnaars waren Tjisse Dinand Bosch van JO-7, Lieuwe Jan van Assen van JO-9, Hylke Sjoerd ...

Datum: | Bron: Nieuwe Dockumer Courant

A man who claims a shotgun-toting thief wearing a clown mask crept into his home and demanded he hand over cash says he's been left terrified and his town on edge. Peter Damon, 59, said he was eating dinner at his home in the northern Victorian town of ...

Datum: | Bron: The Age

“Both Chaplin and Trump are iconic clowns,” Blitt says. “In the classic 'Modern Times,' the iconic Little Trump character struggles to survive in a world fraught with calamities of his own making at every turn. Alas, his big red clown tie getting ...

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post

Steenwijkerland/Sint Jansklooster – Vrijdag 9 juni wordt in Steenwijkerland een aflevering van de serie Pipo de Clown opgenomen. Deze nieuwe serie wordt ...

Datum: | Bron: NieuwsOverijssel (persbericht)

Sint Jansklooster - In en rond het bezoekerscentrum van Natuurmonumenten in Sint Jansklooster worden vrijdag opnames gemaakt voor een aflevering van de serie Pipo de Clown. RTL Telekids zendt deze nieuwe serie in het najaar uit. 'Pipo, Mammaloe ...

Datum: | Bron: Steenwijker Courant

Detained Senator Leila de Lima mocked Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II, calling him the administration's “clown” for his alleged attempt to link some opposition members with the ongoing crisis in Marawi City. “Aguirre's reputation as the clown of ...

Datum: | Bron: Inquirer.net

Many UVA Today readers will remember Tim Cunningham; he's the University of Virginia nursing professor and professional clown, profiled in December, who possesses the perfect combination of compassion, brilliance and humor. When mixed together ...

Datum: | Bron: University of Virginia
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