Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.
LATROBE, Pa. -- Running back DeAngelo Williams has bigger problems than replacing Le'Veon Bell in the Pittsburgh Steelers' starting lineup. He's got an entire team clowning him about his age. Steelers players have started singing "Happy Birthday" to ...
Datum: 01-08-2016 22:32 | Bron: ESPN (blog)A word to the wise: Don't clown with Michael Young. The Texas Rangers inducted the seven-time All-Star into their Hall of Fame on Sunday, and the ceremonies ...
Datum: 01-08-2016 17:30 | Bron: NESN.com'GGG' was in the UK today at a press conference ahead of his upcoming middleweight title defence against Kell Brook from Sheffield. Before the fight with Brook was announced a number of weeks back, it was expected that Golovkin would in fact take on ...
Datum: 01-08-2016 15:13 | Bron: Boxing News and ViewsUsain Bolt has been spotted clowning around as relishes the role of star attraction he begins his bid to create history in Rio de Janeiro . The Jamaican track superstar was snapped by photographers pulling his signature lightning bolt pose as he begins ...
Datum: 31-07-2016 22:42 | Bron: Mirror.co.uk'Renz-gezicht' Milko Steyvers is dolblij dat hij zondag eindelijk weer aan de bak mag als clown. Na alle ellende van het faillissement van Circus Herman Renz in februari van dit jaar, ziet hij nu een mooie toekomst tegemoet. Samen met nieuwe eigenaar ...
Datum: 31-07-2016 16:42 | Bron: Hartvannederland.nlGet news, scores and schedules on the Dallas Cowboys, Mavericks, Stars, and Texas College & High-School Football teams from the Dallas Morning News.
Datum: 31-07-2016 05:56 | Bron: Dallas Morning News (blog)Representing as they might the in-power party, some presidential nominees will seek a disappearing act – think Al Gore wishing Bill Clinton would vanish in 2000. For others, it's a balancing act – walking a political tightrope between past and present.
Datum: 30-07-2016 23:29 | Bron: ForbesBas van Toor (80), bekend als clown Bassie van het duo Bassie en Adriaan, heeft sinds enkele weken te kampen met 'onverwachte' aandoeningen en opvolgende ontstekingen. "Ik kan met mijn linkeroog in mijn rechterbroekzak kijken. Ik kijk zo scheel als ...
Datum: 30-07-2016 20:41 | Bron: PowNedHere's the beef. Or rather, here's “Beeefff” as they have been calling Andrew Johnston with undiminished enthusiasm in New Jersey this week. This is all getting a bit much. He is a professional golfer who is in danger of being turned into a circus clown.
Datum: 30-07-2016 01:06 | Bron: The Times (subscription)Circus Renz krijgt toch nog een nieuwe kans. René Duursma, directeur van evenementenbureau Duursma Groep, heeft de merknaam uit de inboedelverkoop opgekocht en gaat samen met voormalig eigenaar en clown Milko Steyvers aan een nieuwe show ...
Datum: 29-07-2016 17:44 | Bron: BNR NieuwsradioStralend rent ze ermee de Tamboerpassage in, maar nog geen seconde later klinkt er een luide knal. Een deel van het 'kunstwerk' is gesneuveld. Mama Kim Duurken dringt aan: 'Ga maar vragen of hij hem kan maken'. Het is niet nodig, clown Boldie is al ...
Datum: 28-07-2016 22:47 | Bron: hoogeveenschecourant.nlClown Bassie voelt zich sinds begin deze maand belabberd. Hij is onder meer getroffen door de aangezichtsverlamming van Bell, waarbij de spieren van één helft in het gezicht ineens verlamd zijn. Die verlamming gaat meestal vanzelf over, maar dat kan ...
Datum: 28-07-2016 19:10 | Bron: AD.nlBas van Toor, beter bekend als clown Bassie, sukkelt met zijn gezondheid. De acteur is de afgelopen weken 'onverwacht getrakteerd op een aantal opvolgende ontstekingen en aandoeningen', liet hij donderdag weten. Bassie ligt sinds begin deze maand in ...
Datum: 28-07-2016 18:44 | Bron: FOK!I hope you're not afraid of clowns, because EW has given the world a very first look at Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise the Clown in the full-length reboot of Stephen King's classic tale, It. The story of the film is a generational tale of a small group of ...
Datum: 27-07-2016 22:35 | Bron: Inside the MagicA man is lucky to be alive after a suspect wearing a clown mask pistol-whipped and shot him during a robbery late Tuesday night at an apartment complex in ...
Datum: 27-07-2016 19:06 | Bron: Chron.comThey're not happy clowns, or killer clowns, but the clowns in Robert Milner's art have a dark side inspired by his long career as a social worker. Milner moved to P.E.I. six years ago. His career included working with the criminally insane while ...
Datum: 27-07-2016 17:01 | Bron: CBC.caYes, there are more bozos than usual wandering the terminals at San Diego International Airport this summer. And, thanks to SAN's new performing arts residency program, there are also jugglers, stilt walkers, plate spinners, contortionists, musicians ...
Datum: 27-07-2016 14:54 | Bron: USA TODAYOp zaterdag 05 november 2016 is alweer de negentiende Clown Jopie & Tante Angelique Fanclubdag in Alcazar Events te Puttershoek. Met de show “Jungle Avontuur” gaan Clown Jopie en Tante Angelique hun jaarlijkse feest voor hun fans vieren.
Datum: 27-07-2016 12:40 | Bron: Het Kompas Online (persbericht) (Blog)Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson looks up during a press conference with US secretary of state John Kerry (unseen) at the Foreign Office in London. (Picture by: Kirsty Wigglesworth / PA Wire). Imagine being Boris Johnson. There is only one man who truly ...
Datum: 26-07-2016 14:49 | Bron: VICEMoore repeated his prediction on his website, writing: 'This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president. President Trump.” He asked his readers to believe this was a very real possibility and ...
Datum: 26-07-2016 09:04 | Bron: The SunHere's what may have happened to your class clown. We all held a soft spot for the class clown, but have you ever wondered where the lovable rogue is now? Sarah Carty - Yahoo7 Be on July 26, 2016, 1:49 pm ...
Datum: 26-07-2016 06:03 | Bron: Yahoo7 BeMac Sabbath are probably the best McDonald's-themed Black Sabbath cover band working. So fans of the ArchDeluxeAngel Lucifer would be remiss to not ...
Datum: 25-07-2016 23:05 | Bron: Consequence of Sound (blog)Rap duo Insane Clown Posse is planning to march in Washington D.C. next year with members of its rabid fanbase, known as Juggalos, as part of an ongoing entanglement with the FBI. Frontman Joe “Violent J” Bruce announced the march this weekend at ...
Datum: 25-07-2016 22:35 | Bron: TIMEWashington, D.C.'s reflecting pool will run red with Faygo soda when Insane Clown Posse lead their "Juggalo" fans in a march on the capitol next year. The clown-faced, horror-rap duo's Violent J made the announcement this past weekend at the 17th ...
Datum: 25-07-2016 22:01 | Bron: RollingStone.comLet me be entirely honest: while I don't wear any makeup or go to the circus, the predicament of the clown isn't so foreign to me. When my family hit the height of its dysfunction, I became the class clown, taking whatever half-hearted laughs I could ...
Datum: 25-07-2016 18:57 | Bron: Observer