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Clown nieuws (366)

Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.

Lees net dat Toon van Hoof, u weet wel, die 'Griekse' (geef ons, laat anderen er maar voor opdraaien) melkveevoorman van ZLTO , vindt dat fosfaatoverschot en grondgebondenheid niets met elkaar van doen hebben. En dat op extensieve bedrijven ook veel ...

Datum: | Bron: Nieuwsgrazer

Dead Rising kent intussen drie succesvolle games waarin je het opneemt tegen duizenden zombies. Nu is de franchise in een best vermakelijke film veranderd, maar wel met flink wat kanttekeningen. In deze Dead Rising Watchtower review vertellen wij je ...

Datum: | Bron: XGN.nl

He's a clown. He saw me and became scared. With his pants torn, embarrassing himself. He's sh-t. He saw me and came to shake my hand. I think he's funny. I like to laugh, and he makes me laugh. I'm waiting and preparing to fight. I know I'm going to win.

Datum: | Bron: MMA Fighting

Krysta Cook, 32, is not your stereotypical clown. She doesn't wear white face paint, a bright red wig or big rubber shoes. In fact, she used to be scared of such clowns until she overcame her childhood fear by clowning around in 2010 with Brino Ism, a ...

Datum: | Bron: Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Op Cultura Nova gaat vrijdagavond de voorstelling The Naked Clown van het Hongaarse theatergezelschap Recirquel in première. Het is voor het eerst dat de voorstelling buiten Hongarije te zien is. The Naked Clown laat zien wat er schuil gaat achter het ...

Datum: | Bron: L1 Radio en TV

De fysieke clown, de tekstclown, de tragische clown, de komische clown, de muzikale clown; ik heb ze allemaal een plekje proberen te geven. 'Vroeger was ik totaal verliefd op Charlie Chaplin, omdat hij zo mooi tragiek en komedie combineert. 0 Facebook ...

Datum: | Bron: Volkskrant

Bullets in motion tend to remain in motion for far longer than anyone wants. While most accurate shooting with handguns takes place at distances of around six feet, pistol bullets can travel up to 1,000 feet after they're fired. Made by Alternative ...

Datum: | Bron: Popular Science

I have been with three good circuses, always a clown who strutted with white cheeks and painted grins under the nickname of Silly Billy. A circus is not a circus without clowns, careening through the crowds, flexing five fingers with the traditional ...

Datum: | Bron: Quad City Times

One of the through-lines in Avengers: Age of Ultron is how flawed and fallible Marvel's mightiest heroes really are. For all their super powers and genius intellects, Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and the gang are only ...

Datum: | Bron: Entertainment Weekly

Sinds 2012 heeft ze als clown Spruit haar eigen bedrijfje. „Wat wij doen is vergelijkbaar met het werk van de CliniClowns. Contactclowns zetten ook een rode neus op en trekken typische clownskleding aan. Wij spelen echter niet voor zieke kinderen, maar ...

Datum: | Bron: Tubantia

Sinds 2012 heeft ze als clown Spruit haar eigen bedrijfje. „Wat wij doen is vergelijkbaar met het werk van de CliniClowns. Contactclowns zetten ook een rode neus op en trekken typische clownskleding aan. Wij spelen echter niet voor zieke kinderen, maar ...

Datum: | Bron: Tubantia

It has already been nicknamed the "Clown Gun," because the original design featured a big red ball on the front. When the officer fires, the bullet enters the ball, the two fuse, and the resulting projectile is slowed and enlarged, making it less ...

Datum: | Bron: Co.Exist

Buurtfeest Zeeheldenbuurt met workshops, games, clown, verhalen en muziek Op zaterdag 5 september organiseert het buurtcomité Zeeheldenbuurt een gevarieerd buurtfeest in het Slijpkruikgebied aan de Ruyterstraat. Alle bewoners van de ...

Datum: | Bron: dé Weekkrant

The Hope Doctors, a 2014 film, documents the coming together of two contradictions — a hospital and a clown. Medical clowning, a movement in which clowns complement medical care, is being spearheaded in India by a small number of professionals, who ...

Datum: | Bron: The Indian Express

And that is when terror from a mysterious clown figure starts to mount. Our heroes soon realize that what they are facing is a force that disguises its darkness through laughter -- a force so menacing, it will not hesitate to take lives to get what it ...

Datum: | Bron: TwitchFilm (blog)

The Australian has become public enemy number one in the eyes of many since he was caught on microphone sledging opponent Stan Wawrinka last month, but commentator John McEnroe thought he was more of a "clown" during the match against Murray.

Datum: | Bron: The Week UK

David Plotz of the travel website Atlas Obscura tells us about two more of his favorite unlikely parts of the world: Herodium in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and a clown-themed motel in Nevada. STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: Let's take another journey now to ...

Datum: | Bron: NPR

The Israeli-produced helmet covering is called mitznefet in Hebrew and is sometimes referred to as a “clown's hat” in English, perhaps due to its unusual look and one of the definitions of the Hebrew word — a conical hat. In reality, the headgear was ...

Datum: | Bron: The Times of Israel

Ukrainian Armed Forces will soon sport Israeli-made camouflaging headwear often referred to as a "clown's hat," Russia's Zvezda TV channel reported. The removable helmet covering, known as a mitznefet in Hebrew, admittedly resembles a shower cap or a ...

Datum: | Bron: Sputnik International

Rodeo clown Halstead provides dose of freshness. Annette Griffus. 9:36 PM, Aug 29, 2015. 9:54 PM, Aug 29, 2015. sports | other sports. Meegan M. Reid/Kitsap Sun Rodeo clown Dennis Halstead lets the crowd know that he is okay after a bull turned his ...

Datum: | Bron: Kitsap Sun

"My first impression was that I thought he was kind of a clown," Ash told the Northeast Ohio Media Group this summer. "Because until you really get to know Tvyis, that's the impression you get. Because he is very intelligent, he's very witty and he ...

Datum: | Bron: cleveland.com

POLICE were called after reports of a fracas between a circus clown and an eight-year-old boy during a performance in Grimsby. It has been claimed that the boy was among a group who threw rubbish at the performer, prompting him to grab the youngster's ...

Datum: | Bron: Grimsby Telegraph

Clown College is giving clowning hopefuls a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to audition to become part of the World Famous Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown Alley. No formal “clowning” is necessary. Bring your sense of humor, a plan to entertain ...

Datum: | Bron: Good4Utah

Clown College is giving clowning hopefuls a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to audition to become part of the World Famous Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown Alley. No formal “clowning” is necessary. Bring your sense of humor, a plan to entertain ...

Datum: | Bron: Good4Utah

“Will Brooks is a clown,” Freire said. “He likes attention. He's a needy child. He always craves attention. He started messing with me even before my tournament final against Marcin Held. He challenged me and he was already the champion. I had never ...

Datum: | Bron: MMAjunkie.com
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