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Clown nieuws (374)

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La Mesa Police have released a surveillance photo of a person they say is a suspect in the case of a Navy veteran and clown who was brutally beaten. A Navy veteran who performs as a clown for children was brutally beaten by a stranger at a public ...

Datum: | Bron: NBC 7 San Diego

The House of Commons' latest report on MPs' hospitality expenses includes meals at steakhouses, a clown and a whole lot of Tim Hortons (314 purchases, to be exact), among many other things. The Detailed Hospitality Expenditures Report, released June ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post Canada

Mackenzie Sheatler, 11 of Hamlin, meets Buffo the World's Strongest Clown on Tuesday at. Pete G. Wilcox | Times Leader Mackenzie Sheatler, 11 of Hamlin, meets Buffo the World's Strongest Clown on Tuesday at the Northeast Fair in Pittston Township.

Datum: | Bron: Wilkes Barre Times-Leader

From conflict zones to hospitals, clown therapy is bringing the 'circus of life' to areas that need it the most. When I was 18 years old, my father sent me to clown therapy training in a small village in Italy. In the beginning I had no idea of what I ...

Datum: | Bron: Clapway

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal and Chuckie all look almost human, until you look at their eyes. Then they're the stuff of nightmare. Uncanny clowns marching to the valley - adapted from works by Donkey Hotey for Flickr.com ...

Datum: | Bron: Communities Digital News

Two years ago, some of the top minds in boxing considered Adrien Broner, then an undefeated rising star, among a handful on the short list of Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s heirs apparent. He wasn't just any rising star—Broner was thought to be one of the men ...

Datum: | Bron: Bleacher Report

The Insane Clown Posse has been getting a lot of time to perform... in federal court. The group has taken offense to its fans being harrassed and argued in an appeals court on Thursday, demanding to see the federal authorities' sources that caused ICP ...

Datum: | Bron: Headlines & Global News

Since 1999, thousands of the Detroit rap-metal group Insane Clown Posse's fans, known as Juggalos, have held an annual Gathering of the Juggalos. The Juggalos, known for their elaborate face paint and hatchet tattoos, emerged as a subculture that often ...

Datum: | Bron: Newsweek

Sebastiaan ter Burg/FlickrA team of 'class clowns' makes for a pleasant work environment. Gould says that throwing an odd, unexpected question at candidates not only illustrates their ability to crack a joke (especially under pressure), but also tests ...

Datum: | Bron: Business Insider

Jay Gould, CEO of the digital advertising company Yashi, knows a thing or two about creating a favorable work environment. His company was named one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey in 2015. Gould attributes his positive company culture to a ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo Finance UK

Stephen Colbert roars back: Donald Trump evisceration suggests GOP clown car in for a world of hurt. Afraid we were in trouble without Stewart and Colbert's truth-telling? A brilliant Trump takedown shows otherwise. Sophia A. McClennen · Share ...

Datum: | Bron: Salon

WASHINGTON, June 18, 2015 – Consider it a sign of the apocalypse. Billionaire – at least on paper – Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he will run for the highest office in the land. He'll be disparaged because of his wealth and because he spends a ...

Datum: | Bron: Communities Digital News

Tegelijk hopen ze natuurlijk vurig dat Donald hun concurrenten aan flarden zal schieten en dat ze zelf nog op scene staan als de clown eindelijk de circusring verlaat. Dat wordt lachen! Want natuurlijk zal Trump nooit de nominatie winnen, en dus nog ...

Datum: | Bron: newsmonkey

The National Museum of Marine Science & Technology in Keelung has met with some success in management and restoration of coral reefs and clown fish in recent years, as shown by its introduction of 25 clown fish to Badouzi Coastal Park over the ...

Datum: | Bron: Taipei Times

With the potential to revolutionize everything from busking to children's parties, a researcher named Raffaello D'Andrea at ETH Zurich has built a simple sensor-less machine using four strategically placed paddles that are able to juggle four balls in ...

Datum: | Bron: Gizmodo

Not only did Robert S. Keller not harass and attack a mom and four teens with sex toys outside the Massacre Haunted House in Montgomery last fall, but the Algonquin man was not even working for the haunted house when it happened. That's the argument ...

Datum: | Bron: Chicago Daily Herald

Perhaps you've noticed that a magical bird of the internet dropped Season Three of Orange is the New Black a little early Thursday night, and perhaps you have already watched the entirety of the series. (If so: go to bed.) Jezebel staffers made it to ...

Datum: | Bron: Jezebel

Maar ik sta hier niet als een clown. Dat zijn allemaal woorden, maar wij moeten het op het veld bewijzen." De flamboyante trainer weet dat Waasland-Beveren geen sterke periode achter de rug heeft. "Als je al veel jaren tegen de degradatie vecht, dan ...

Datum: | Bron: Soccernews.nl

OUD-BEIJERLAND - Vanaf vrijdag 5 juni serveert Lunchcafé Zonder Meer in Oud-Beijerland iets nieuws: de Clown Jopie Pannenkoek. Deze pannenkoek is geïnspireerd op de groenste kindervriend van Nederland, te weten Clown Jopie. Het lunchcafé richt ...

Datum: | Bron: dé Weekkrant

Annemarie de Gee werkt voor diverse theatergezelschappen als schrijver, regisseur en docent. Ze debuteerde met het verhaalmozaïek Kamermensen, waarin alle verhalen zich in een en dezelfde hotelruimte afspelen. Met De kus van een clown debuteert ze ...

Datum: | Bron: Radio 1

Turn that look of horror upside down, 'cause Sugar Weasal, America's first (and, we think, only) clown escort, is here to make it all better! He's been donning white paint, clown shoes, and a squeaky red nose since the 1990s, when he advertised his ...

Datum: | Bron: NewNowNext

Who's the class clown in the offensive line meetings? Travis Frederick: I would say probably Darrion Weems. He's a guy that kind of brings a light-hearted nature to things. Really good player, technician but also kind of lightens things up in the room.

Datum: | Bron: Dallas Morning News (blog)

Faygo is the preferred soft drink of Insane Clown Posse and their legions of Juggalos around the world. So yesterday, True Juggalo Family celebrated the news in true clown fashion: 7-Eleven has a new Faygo Slurpee flavor! Earlier this year, 7-Eleven ...

Datum: | Bron: Vanyaland

OTTAWA, June 8, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- A Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Ottawa who openly proclaims he is 'gay' has used public radio and social media to smear Cardinal Raymond Burke for his outspoken defense of Catholic teaching, calling ...

Datum: | Bron: Lifesite

Mattie Faint has been a professional clown since he was 17 when, as a theatre student up from Plymouth, he got a gig as a grease-painted human signpost for a puppet show in London. That was 44 years ago. For the past two decades he has been a “giggle ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian
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