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Clown nieuws (375)

Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.

"Well, speaking of the clown car, I think I invented that term and I will hold on to it,” he told the Hardball audience May 11. When he discussed the Republican field with guests, out came the “clown car” calls, like some parrot begging for a cracker ...

Datum: | Bron: NewsBusters (blog)

(The ick factor with Huckabee may now be off the charts—but in a crowd this packed with clowns, it's hard to tell what impact that's had.) The pattern should be clear: It's a crowded GOP field in which everyone's fatal flaws are exposed for all to see ...

Datum: | Bron: Salon

Een andere prominente Nederlander die wel eens uit de hoek komt met een scherp geformuleerde visie is clown Bassie. Zie deze schitterende rant tegen subsidie of dit verhaal waarin Bas fel van leer trekt tegen de EU. Ook heeft de clown een uitgesproken ...

Datum: | Bron: Glamorama

YEREVAN—On May 26, the American University of Armenia (AUA) hosted Patch Adams, world famous clown, doctor, and subject of the 1998 semi-biographical film, “Patch Adams,” for an inspirational interactive seminar on health, happiness, and how to ...

Datum: | Bron: Asbarez Armenian News

The anti-Republican, pro-Hillary forces in the Obama-slobber media have taken to calling the Republican 2016 field a “clown car”. The idea is simple–so simple that even low information progressive/dem/lib/Obama-drooling voters get it in an instant: the ...

Datum: | Bron: FOX News Radio (blog)

On Thursday night's “Daily Show” Stewart used his “Democalypse 2016″ segment to give the latest presidential hopefuls a warm welcome. Among them: Lincoln Chafee, the party-switching, O'Reilly-dueling former governor and ...

Datum: | Bron: Salon

Rebekka van Ommen is daarom sinds maandag als clown Tess in Oeganda, om het leven van straatkinderen daar wat beter te maken. Rebekka werkt in Nederland als CliniClown. Ze is speciaal getraind om ernstig zieke kinderen in ziekenhuizen afleiding te ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Oost

Dan Gainor at FOX News.com has a detailed rundown of the times it's been used, from MSNBC to the pages of this newspaper, by everyone from my colleagues Dana Milbank (“The Republican field is a clown car”) and Michael Gerson (“stretch clown car”) to ...

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post (blog)

Danny Ronaldo speelt de clown en is bedenker van circustheatervoorstelling Fidelis Fortibus. "Dat betekent: trouw zijn de dapperen. In het circus heerst een onuitgesproken trots. De voorstelling gaat altijd door, wat voor ergs je ook meemaakt. Dat is ...

Datum: | Bron: Weblog Zwolle (Blog)

Soon Democrats will start talking about the 2016 Republican contenders as “the clown car.” Politicians today are independent political entrepreneurs. They're in business for themselves. The online world makes it easy to start a presidential campaign. A ...

Datum: | Bron: Reuters Blogs (blog)

Well at the risk of going all Krusty the Clown, I'll just note that the quarterly growth figures hide a lot of concerns with our economy. There is nothing very terrific about an annual growth of 2.3%. Given economists were mostly predicting growth of ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

Het kon natuurlijk niet lang uitblijven. Direct nadat Sepp Blatter zijn aftreden aankondigde, barstte het op het web los met grappen over de opgestapte Fifa-baas. En die waren soms flauw. Goed flauw.

Datum: | Bron: Quote

I know what I'm supposed to see. IHOP's new logo—its first update in over 20 years—turned a curmudgeonly old frown into a smile. It's as if a grizzled, no nonsense diner waitress has warmed up to the entire world of would-be pancake eaters as her ...

Datum: | Bron: Co.Design

Slipknot's Clown has spoken out about his love for the band, and how he'd like to see the 'Knot stay alive forever – by bringing in continuous new members. Speaking to Rolling Stone about the possibility of replacing members of the band as and when the ...

Datum: | Bron: Kerrang!

Clown tells Rolling Stone (via Metal Hammer): "They go 15 feet up in the air, and they can spin around forever because the cables are down the middle. They jerk left and right. They slam up and down. And I designed these things because I'm scared of ...

Datum: | Bron: Ultimate-Guitar.Com

Republicans never win with the media. Nominate a rich, old, white guy and media outlets complain he's old and out of touch. Have the most vibrant and diverse field of candidates either party might have had in history? It's a “clown car,” according to ...

Datum: | Bron: Fox News

In a brand new interview with RollingStone.com, SLIPKNOT percussionist Shawn "Clown" Crahan was asked about his recent comment that he could see the band going forward with a whole new lineup. "What I've been saying is that only my mind — this is ...


GUADALAJARA: Lagrimita the clown, can run for mayor of Guadalajara said the TEPJF electoral court. “We are revoking the resolution of the Jalisco Electoral Institute's General Council under which independent mayoral candidacy for Guadalajara, Guillermo ...

Datum: | Bron: New Straits Times Online

Lagrimita the clown can run for mayor of Guadalajara, the capital of the western Mexican state of Jalisco, the TEPJF electoral court said. "We are revoking the resolution of the Jalisco Electoral Institute's General Council under which the independent ...

Datum: | Bron: La prensa

Robert J. Jensen uit Princeton in de Amerikaanse staat Minnesota verdient de kost als Bob the Friendly Balloon Twister, een clown die regelmatig verscheen op kinderfeestjes om daar wat ballonnen in elkaar te draaien voor de aanwezige kids. Maar thuis ...

Datum: | Bron: SpitsNieuws

A 57-year-old veteran children's entertainer in Princeton, Minnesota, known as "Friendly the Clown," has been accused of raping a mentally impaired woman while telling her that "he was praying for a little girl like her to come around." Robert J ...

Datum: | Bron: Christian Post

David Magidson is a 52-year-old Bay Area husband and father of two boys who gets nervous whenever he's about to perform, because many adults say clowns are terrifying. Benjamin Wallace reports for NY mag in "Fears of a Clown": Though Boswick and ...

Datum: | Bron: Boing Boing

Due to appear in court next week on a variety of sexual assault charges, Mr Jensen, who charged $180 per booking, had made a living for around 20 years playing “Friendly the Clown” and “Bob the Balloon Twister” at children's parties. According to the ...

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

'Friendly' the clown, 57, charged with raping a brain injury patient, 20, as she was staying with the performer and his wife. Robert Jensen charged with criminal sexual conduct with a victim mentally impaired or helpless, and criminal sexual conduct ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Among the indignities the clown routinely endures, the theft of his Ralph Wiggum antenna topper barely registered. Until a few weeks earlier, a foam miniature of the imbecilic Simpsons character, mid-nose-pick, had crowned the antenna of the clown's ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Magazine
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