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A 57-year-old man known in Princeton, Minn., as “Friendly” the clown has been charged with sexually assaulting a 20-year-old woman with mental difficulties numerous times. Robert J. Jensen, of Princeton, is scheduled to appear in court next week on ...

Datum: | Bron: Minneapolis Star Tribune

While the American Idol judge was strolling through the crowded airport she received the unwelcome surprise from the infamous Los Angeles-based clown/performance artist Richie the Barber -- best known for his wild behavior and the fact that he's ...

Datum: | Bron: Entertainment Tonight

Marco Rubio makes a clown of himself: The twisted logic behind his anti-gay “hate speech” insanity. Equal marriage doesn't criminalize Christianity. But if you want to defend "traditional" marriage, there's a fix! Katie McDonough Follow · Share ...

Datum: | Bron: Salon

Hey, shorty! In your case, Jennifer Lopez, we mean that for a number of reasons. Mainly because of the new haircut the singer debuted today at LAX on Tuesday. Yes, J.Lo, lover of long locks, has gotten a big chop. The American Idol judge was spotted ...

Datum: | Bron: E! Online

If you're a Republican primary voter, you're probably feeling pretty good about the presidential primaries. Even if you haven't yet found the candidate who will make you swoon, one thing you've got is choices. By my count, there are currently 10 ...

Datum: | Bron: Gilmer Mirror

A mum has expressed her fury after her four-year-old twins were left terrified and unable to sleep upon seeing a giant Poltergeist film poster of a scary clown advertised on the side of a Stagecoach bus. The classic 1982 horror movie has been remade, ...

Datum: | Bron: Mirror.co.uk

Violist Kremer en clown Polunin naar Cultura Nova Heerlen. Gidon Kremer met Slava Polunin in SnowShow Symphony komen naar festival Cultura Nova in Heerlen. Zondag 30 augustus vindt tijdens festival Cultura Nova in Theater Heerlen de Nederlandse ...

Datum: | Bron: L1 Radio en TV

But not all of the 38 emoji will be available for every platform; some, including a clown face, a Pinocchio-inspired 'lying' face and rolling on the floor with laughter are designated for Yahoo Messenger only. A left-facing and right-facing fist ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Red Nose Day is here! The only problem? No one really knows what it is. Leading up to Thursday (May 21) night's event, celebrities have been posing with red clown noses on their faces and joking around with each other in fun videos. But what exactly is ...

Datum: | Bron: Zap2it.com (blog)

'Clown car' is a fashionable dig at the mass of Republicans in the 2016 presidential race or considering a run. But the laughs may be on those who mock the struggle to emerge from the pack. Sometimes it works.

Datum: | Bron: Christian Science Monitor

Annemieke Bakker verruilde haar toga voor een clownspak en rode neus. Nu reist ze door de Derde Wereld en speelt ze in weeshuizen, op scholen én in een heksenkamp. 'Een clown heeft minder status dan een advocaat. Vroeger had ik daarmee gezeten, ...

Datum: | Bron: Advocatie

In this new clip from Fox's Poltergeist, in theaters May 22, we see the revamped scene in which a clown doll becomes possessed. Do you think it's as scary as Tobe Hooper's original? Check out a clip in which Eric Bowen (Sam Rockwell) catches a glimpse ...

Datum: | Bron: Bloody Disgusting

As if people aren't freaked out enough by clowns, the latest clip from this week's theatrical horror offering Poltergeist shows that more than likely we'll have several more coulrophobics in our midst once it's all said and done. The film's release ...

Datum: | Bron: Dread Central

Decorated rodeo clown Justin Rumford ahead of the Woodlake Lions Rodeo event in Woodlake, Calif., earlier this month. Mr. Rumford ... Mr. Rumford, a three-time winner of the Pro Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) Clown of the Year award, puts on ...

Datum: | Bron: Wall Street Journal

Een als horrorclown verklede jongen uit Australië die treinreizigers bang maakte, heeft afgelopen weekend zijn excuses aangeboden. Dat deed de tiener door als vrolijke clown bloemen uit te delen, meldt ABC Melbourne. Gechoqueerde treinreizigers ...

Datum: | Bron: Metronieuws.nl

In TV's creative circles it's common, perhaps even expected, to say you don't pay attention to ratings. Some performers and writers wear their ignorance regarding Nielsen data almost like a badge of honor, offering proof they put art ahead of commerce.

Datum: | Bron: Variety

There are far too many candidates (so many that there are concerns they won't all fit on a debate stage), and to gain attention they are juggling, tooting horns and blowing slide whistles like so many painted performers emerging from a clown car.

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post

In 11 Questions, The A.V. Club asks interesting people 11 interesting questions—and then asks them to suggest one for our next interviewee. When Insane Clown Posse debuted in the early 1990s with a slew of crazy gimmicks and a homemade mythology ...

Datum: | Bron: A.V. Club Denver/Boulder

"He had a pale-painted face with a clown nose and a sign on cardboard saying 'sorry'," Ms Grant told 774 ABC Melbourne's Jon Faine. "He was handing out flowers to commuters, much to the amusement of all [the] people in the carriage," Ms Grant said.

Datum: | Bron: ABC Local

By now, the pair of red-nosed sister clowns have explored puberty (Morro and Jasp do Puberty), literature (Of Mice and Morro and Jasp), home economics (Morro and Jasp: Go Bake Yourself) and even spearheaded a campaign against clown discrimination.

Datum: | Bron: Toronto Star

A Florida man convicted of robbing a Winnipeg bank while dressed as a busty clown has won a reduced sentence from Manitoba's highest court. Rondell McGarrett Johnson learned this week his eight-year prison term had been cut to six years. As well, his ...

Datum: | Bron: Winnipeg Free Press

It's not your typical job and it requires more make-up than most - a rodeo clown. The clown is responsible for protecting riders when they are thrown from the bull. They are also often used to provide comic relief. Crash Cooper is one of the rodeo ...

Datum: | Bron: KRCRTV.COM

“It's like the clown car just rolled in to town,” said Porter. “We know enough about these three men to know that Georgians cannot afford what they are offering.” Porter, a newspaper publisher and former House minority leader, said Christie “has driven ...

Datum: | Bron: Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)

The 2015 remake of 'Poltergeist' reminds us that clowns have become another kind of scary movie monster, like zombies or ghosts. 20th Century ... Pagliacci, in the Italian opera by Ruggero Leoncavallo, was an early example of the clown hiding negative ...

Datum: | Bron: Wall Street Journal

Australian radio shock-jock radio Kyle Sandilands attacks the agriculture minister, Barnaby Joyce, for threatening to kill Johnny Depp's dogs. Sandilands, known for his abrasive outbursts, tells Joyce on Kiss FM he sounds like a 'clown' and an ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian
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