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De nieuwe poster van de Poltergeist remake zal velen nachtmerries bezorgen. De clown uit het origineel lijkt wel Pipo de Clown in vergelijking met het doodenge nieuwe exemplaar. Bekijk de afbeelding hier... Net als de oorspronkelijke film van regisseur ...

Datum: | Bron: Film1 (Blog)

The upcoming remake of Poltergeist has already shown that it will be reimagining some of the most iconic moments from the original film, including a young girl sitting in front of a static-filled television and a killer evil tree, but it's the famous ...

Datum: | Bron: Cinema Blend

Beginning Sunday, April 19, 2015, The Clown School will begin an exciting five-week journey with master mask and puppet maker Robert (Bob) Alan Beuth. During this class, held every Sunday from 10am-2pm, students will learn the art of puppet making ...

Datum: | Bron: Broadway World

“Once the curtain opens, the show begins. The audience laughs, is amazed, some are beginning to cry. The emotions are noticeable. They are triggered by the gestures and movements of a man with a red nose, baggy trousers and a unique clumsiness.” ...

Datum: | Bron: TIME

A Facebook post by Kerman police is sparking concerns, asking for information about a mysterious clown walking around town. "There's some crazy guy trying to be a clown out here," Kerman resident Freddy Villa said. "The clown is kind of scary," seven ...

Datum: | Bron: yourcentralvalley.com

One of the delays was Fukunaga's hunt to find the perfect Pennywise, otherwise known as the killer clown from the novel and television adaptation. Based on the novel by Stephen King, the 1990 horror miniseries “It” originally starred Tim Curry as the ...

Datum: | Bron: Bloody Disgusting

In 2015, it's common knowledge that beefs between rappers spill over onto social media more often than not, bot in the most recent case of this, branded alcohols got dragged into the mix as well. What began with 50 Cent using the hashtag #noPuffyjuice ...

Datum: | Bron: HotNewHipHop

Don't be fooled by those dazzling blue eyes — The Following's new villain, played by Michael Ealy, is one seriously bad dude. Theo is the mysterious, chameleon-like “best student” of Dr. Arthur Strauss, the fugitive who trained a slew of serial ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo News

This is a wonderfully creepy take on a clown. It's well lit, and the background of a brick wall and concrete stairs create a grimy, inner city feel. The gaze of the clown is quite piercing and the red smears on the arms give him a sinister edge. The ...

Datum: | Bron: ePHOTOzine (press release)

BANGOR, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- If you went shopping at the Bangor Mall this morning you might have seen some unusual faces between stores. The Bangor Shriners put on a parade at the mall with bagpipes, clown costumes and a balloon contest.

Datum: | Bron: WCSH-TV

There are 53 Democrats in the Senate, plus two nominal independents who associate with them, and this clown caucus has chosen, since 2007, to place itself under the malignant leadership of Harry Reid, Washington's answer to Frankenstein's monster ...

Datum: | Bron: National Review Online

Clown Passions taught me many things during my week of perusing. I learned that clowns love puns. I learned that “painting the horn” is clown for masturbation. Though I suspected that even in my Richard Simmons' wig, I would still crush major ass on ...

Datum: | Bron: Popdust

The joke is on this clown who thought he could get away with staging a fake robbery that netted him £24,000. Stephen Bellamy was sentenced to three years in prison after dressing up as a jester and carrying out the bogus raid in Walton, Merseyside ...

Datum: | Bron: Metro

Hij is 88, treedt op als zijn muzikale alter ego clown Rexis en hoopt vanavond de harten te veroveren van alle Belgen. Na tientallen jaren vol optredens op feesten en partijen, beproeft Roger Musschoot zijn geluk bij Belgium's Got Talent. Hij kroont ...

Datum: | Bron: Metronieuws.nl

Michael Axt is the head artist at Clown Shoes Beer. His influences from comic books and videogames lend Clown Shoes their highly distinctive logos and bottle artwork. I sent Michael some questions regarding his history with Clown Shoes and his ...

Datum: | Bron: Bleeding Cool News

A clown who staged a fake robbery at a currency exchange shop with the help of his lover has been jailed for three years. Stephen Bellamy tied up his accomplice, Rachel Cleary, and raided the shop for £24k, while on lookers believed that she was an ...

Datum: | Bron: mirror.co.uk

At the beginning of dusk, atop a hillock, two protagonists from the literary world meet for an unlikely conversation: the playwright and the clown. The playwright, embroiled in an existential conundrum, asks the clown for help. Occupied with questions ...

Datum: | Bron: The Hindu

... goalkeeper David de Gea in the final seconds of Liverpool's defeat on Sunday. Skrtel posted the picture of three clowns on Instagram after learning of yesterday's ruling, but while the FA are aware of the message they have ruled out looking into ...

Datum: | Bron: Express.co.uk

Carrying a brown leather bag and leaving her long hair loose and curly, Michelle's best accessory were her designer shoes. From quirky designer to the stars Terry de Havilland, the psychedelic platforms featured a super bright clown print, which the ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Skrtel received a three-match ban from the FA for a stamp on David De Gea in Liverpool's 2-1 defeat to Manchester United, and in an apparent reaction to the charge, Skrtel uploaded a photo of three clowns, with one displaying a hand with three fingers ...

Datum: | Bron: ESPN.co.uk (blog)

SPARKS, NV - The World Clown Convention is taking place at the Nugget in Sparks this week. This is the first time the event has been held in northern Nevada. The World Clown Association hopes to educate and promote the art of clowning while in the area.

Datum: | Bron: KOLO

Eva Fox, aka "Pinky Pettles" and her husband Charley Fox, aka "Charley", of Sacramento, Calif., perform in a skit to simulate a church setting, during a competition at the World Clown Association Convention in Reno, Nev., Tuesday March 24, 2015.

Datum: | Bron: Kansas City Star

MARTIN SKRTEL has branded the FA clowns after they upheld his three-match ban for stamping on Manchester United's David De Gea. By Bruce Archer. PUBLISHED: 12:24, Wed, Mar 25, 2015 ...

Datum: | Bron: Express.co.uk

It has captivated audiences in many countries for six years, and Achtem is proud of that fact. He says while his show is puppetry, he's no puppeteer, preferring to call himself “a clown making puppetry”. In December last year, he put up the show on ...

Datum: | Bron: The Daily Telegraph

But there is one part of his time in hospital that he can smile about - the regular visits from the Clown Doctors. Colby has shared his story to support a new Commbank social media campaign which aims to raise funds for the Clown Doctors. For every ...

Datum: | Bron: The Sunshine Coast Daily
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