Hieronder vindt u nieuwsberichten, gevonden op het internet met betrekking tot het woord clown.
clown-eac To celebrate the release of the truly terrifying âClownâ â on DVD & Blu-ray 2nd March 2015 â we have a DVD copy to giveaway courtesy of Studiocanal. From splatter-maestro Eli Roth (Hostel; Grindhouse) and starring Peter Stormare (Fargo; The ...
Datum: 01-03-2015 21:00 | Bron: Flickering Myth (blog)It's perhaps a deeper and darker anxiety that is actually at play in Jon Watts' Clown (2014), though, which eschews the maniacal jester archetype utilised in Pennywise in favour of a old myth about child abduction from Scandinavia. Giving its title ...
Datum: 01-03-2015 16:53 | Bron: CineVueThe only sad thing about the resignation of Dr Rajendra Pachauri as chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is that it was brought about by allegations of sexual harassment by a young female employee of his Delhi research ...
Datum: 01-03-2015 14:49 | Bron: Telegraph.co.ukThe American conservative movement has devolved into self-parody. That was clearly evident on Friday, when Duck Dynasty reality TV star, Phil Robertson, was handed a microphone and given a prominent speaking slot on stage at the CPAC convention.
Datum: 28-02-2015 23:47 | Bron: PoliticusUSAReal estate agent Kent (Powers) is a doting father to his son, Jack (Distefano), and devoted husband to his wife, Meg (Allen). Determined to ensure that his son's 10th birthday party goes off without a hitch when the clown booked for the event is ...
Datum: 28-02-2015 11:08 | Bron: Dread CentralPorky the Paper Eater was a unique trash container at Joyland. The vacuum-equipped pig sucked the trash right out of your hand. Porky's head was found recently in the same house where Louie the Clown was recovered, according to Wichita police.
Datum: 28-02-2015 02:26 | Bron: Kansas.comThe Mott Campus Clowns poses for a group portrait on Friday, Feb. 27, 2015, in the Regional Technology Center/M-TEC building at Mott Community College in Flint. After getting dressed and taking photos, the clown troupe had two performances at the ...
Datum: 27-02-2015 21:11 | Bron: MLive.comIt has hurt the Shrine organization that somebody would take the clown car, which is packed full of fun-loving clowns during parades and during visits to sick children at the Shriners Hospitals for Children Northern California in Sacramento. Clowns ...
Datum: 27-02-2015 20:46 | Bron: Sacramento BeeA clown car belonging to the Sacramento Shriners Hospital was stolen from a barn this week, police say. The Ben Ali car was discovered missing Wednesday morning. The decorated golf is used in parades and fundraisers. The barn it's normally stored in is ...
Datum: 27-02-2015 20:01 | Bron: FOX40ANATOMY OF TORTURE â Historian Christopher Dietrich on the 100-year-long history of American torture; Jeffrey St. Clair on the implications of giving impunity to the CIA's torturers; Chris Floyd on how the US has exported torture to its client states ...
Datum: 27-02-2015 11:40 | Bron: CounterPunch"I don't dress up as a clown. I am a clown. ... To be a clown is about laughter and touching someone's heart." â Sandy "Sunshine the Clown" Johnson. Sandy Johnson's Sunshine the Clown is an Eastern Shore institution, complete with a red glitter heart ...
Datum: 26-02-2015 21:24 | Bron: Delmarva Daily TimesIn a rare show of unity, both President Hollande and his predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy, rounded on a cross-party delegation of French politicians who made an unauthorised visit to President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, with Mr Sarkozy reported to have ...
Datum: 26-02-2015 19:25 | Bron: The IndependentIt is a familiar picture: Congress wearing its clown face again. This is preposterous. No wonder we garner so little respect around the world. The House and the Senate are at odds. Some House Republicans are letting the agency run out of money in order ...
Datum: 26-02-2015 03:05 | Bron: The News JournalHere's a nice tall glass of nightmare juice to start your day: a clown mascot that went missing from an Kansas amusement park 10 years ago was found in the home of a sex offender. For those of us who've long connected those two worlds, this is our day ...
Datum: 22-02-2015 17:46 | Bron: UproxxNemen jullie Jeroen van Koningsbrugge wel serieus genoeg, mensen? En weten jullie wel dat er een dramatisch acteertalent schuilt in dat malle clowntje dat elke zaterdagavond staat te geiten met Linda de Mol? Die haast tenalady's moet gaan dragen ...
Datum: 22-02-2015 14:45 | Bron: GlamoramaA firm believer in the healing power of laughter, Liu Jinjun visits the Beijing's Children Hospital every Wednesday afternoon with his secret "cure" for the kids - a suitcase full of colourful balloons, magic props and a clown costume. A volunteer at ...
Datum: 21-02-2015 22:14 | Bron: South China Morning Post (subscription)De Efteling-clown Jokie, mascotte van de attractie Carnaval Festival, is niet langer exclusief in het pretpark te zien. Voor ruim 550 euro per uur komt de felrode nar opdraven bij een evenement naar keuze. Verschillende Nederlandse artiestenbureaus ...
Datum: 21-02-2015 00:52 | Bron: LooopingsDe Efteling-clown Jokie, mascotte van de attractie Carnaval Festival, is niet langer exclusief in het pretpark te zien. Voor ruim 550 euro per uur komt de felrode nar opdraven bij een evenement naar keuze. Verschillende Nederlandse artiestenbureaus ...
Datum: 20-02-2015 22:46 | Bron: LooopingsLouie the Clown Returns Mike HutmacherâAP Joyland's organ-playing mascot Louie the Clown appears at a daily police briefing in the Wichita City Hall police headquarters, Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015, in Wichita, Kan. An iconic mechanical clown that went ...
Datum: 20-02-2015 04:21 | Bron: TIMEThe 50-year-old clown, who police say is valued at $10,000, was reported stolen in 2010, and police have been searching for him ever since. On Tuesday, a mysterious phone tip led them to the home of 39-year-old Damian Mayes, a convicted sex offender, ...
Datum: 19-02-2015 23:54 | Bron: Redbookmag.com (blog)Louie, a life-sized, ceramic amusement park clown that disappeared from the now defunct Joyland park in Wichita, Kan., almost a decade ago, has been found at the home of a sex offender who once worked at the amusement center, police said Thursday.
Datum: 19-02-2015 22:42 | Bron: USA TODAYWichita police say officers found the clown statue Tuesday at a home of 39-year-old Damian Mayes, who is serving a prison sentence for a 2010 conviction for aggravated indecent liberties with a child and aggravated criminal sodomy. Mayes used to build ...
Datum: 19-02-2015 19:32 | Bron: U.S. News & World ReportEINDHOVEN - Hij is de 'kleine grote man' van Nederlands nationaal circus Herman Renz: Milko Steyvers, bij het grote publiek beter bekend als clown Milko. Op zondag 1 maart verruilt hij de circuspiste voor een stoel aan de jurytafel tijdens de ...
Datum: 17-02-2015 14:46 | Bron: Dichtbij.nlBasisonderwijs Boekt wist zelfs een heuse clown te vinden met show. Gisteren om 11:31 door Rudi Coomans. Print. Foto: Rudi Coomans. Vorige afbeelding 1 / 2 Volgende afbeelding. Mail. Boekt. Heusden-Zolder - Ook carnaval bij de Basisschool in Boekt, ...
Datum: 17-02-2015 13:30 | Bron: Het Belang van LimburgDe organisatie is voor het feest op zoek naar een clown die leuke ballonfiguren kan maken, iemand die kan schminken en iemand die in het bezit is van (een) marktkraampje(s). Iemand die het feest op een andere manier kan sponsoren is ook van harte ...
Datum: 17-02-2015 11:17 | Bron: Midvliet FM