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Traditioneel staat er de laatste schooldag voor de krokusvakantie een carnavalsfeest op het menu van de Massemse basisschool. Omdat voor de gemeente met confetti gooien taboe is, werd de kindercarnavalsstoet rond de kerk definitief geschrapt. De 'geen ...

Datum: | Bron: Het Nieuwsblad

A house in chaos, a baby covered in clown make-up and her mother swallowing a sword - these are just a few of the outrageous pictures of circus performer Mackenzie Moltov and her daughter Ulee. A sword-swallower and performer with an alternative ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Efteling-mascotte Jokie wordt door veel kinderen al jaren als akelig en angstaanjagend ervaren. Maar het kan altijd enger, moet de Efteling gedacht hebben. Sinds dit weekend zit de goedlachse clown vast in een enorme tuimelende kegel. Op het plein bij ...

Datum: | Bron: Looopings

Winking, poking out his tongue and firing an imaginary gun in sunglasses, this is the leader of the free world clowning around in the Oval Office. Although some might expect him to have more pressing matters on his plate such as the fighting in Syria ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Een wereldvreemde clown met een klappertjespistool. De beslissing van de hoofdredacteur Marcel Gelauff om de beelden, die hij van tevoren gezien móet hebben, uit te zenden was tegelijk ook de publieke veroordeling. Dat in alle hectiek het belang van de ...

Datum: | Bron: FOK!

"When I was younger, I thought that was the only time I could be a clown." For his family it was cute, a passing phase, nothing more. A period he was sure to grow out of. At best, his early clowning would produce stories his parents could embarrass him ...

Datum: | Bron: Huffington Post

A comedian has infuriated Ecuadorians after mocking President Rafael Correa - and a beloved childhood character - on American television. John Oliver ridiculed the Ecuadorian president during his Last Week Tonight Show. He focused on Correa's attempt ...

Datum: | Bron: BBC News

(CBS) — There are new questions being raised about serial killer John Wayne Gacy and his infamous clown suits. They were seized by police as evidence after Gacy was arrested for murdering 33 young men and boys. CBS 2's Dave Savini, in this Original ...

Datum: | Bron: CBS Local

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The Midnight Syndicate -- a Chardon-based band renowned for its creepy, gothic-tinged music -- is suing a record label run by hip-hop duo Insane Clown Posse for what it says is the unlicensed use of its songs. The suit, filed Friday ...

Datum: | Bron: cleveland.com

In this Feb. 7, 2015 photo, veteran clown Ricardo Farfan, popularly known as "Pitito," poses for a portrait after performing at his 91st birthday party in his home in Lima, Peru. Farfan began painting his face to perform as a clown when he was three ...

Datum: | Bron: Philippine Star

Spazio Rock conducted an interview with SLIPKNOT percussionist Shawn "Clown" Crahan before the band's February 3 concert in Milan, Italy. You can now watch the chat below. Speaking about SLIPKNOT's musical evolution, Crahan said: "I don't look like I ...


Om 13.00 uur wordt vanaf de Gedempte Biersloot door clown Bassie het startsein gegeven voor de optocht. Hierna trekt de bonte stoet, begeleid door De Mikkies en gezellige carnavalsmuziek verzorgt door De Haringkoppen, door de Hoogstraat, naar de ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

Om 13.00 uur wordt vanaf de Gedempte Biersloot door clown Bassie het startsein gegeven voor de optocht. Hierna trekt de bonte stoet, begeleid door De Mikkies en gezellige carnavalsmuziek verzorgt door De Haringkoppen, door de Hoogstraat, naar de ...

Datum: | Bron: Dichtbij.nl

I suppose you call this another historic first for Eric Holder: the first attorney general asked by a TV interviewer to quack like a duck on air. The incident came toward the end of a fawning interview by Melissa Harris-Perry (no stranger to clownish ...

Datum: | Bron: American Thinker (blog)

Proud of it, too. Rumford is the “2014 Rodeo Clown of the Year,” an honor he told me he has won three of the five years he's been clowning. “Pretty fortunate,” he said. I interviewed Rumford last week when the “World's Toughest Rodeo” made a stop at St.

Datum: | Bron: Minneapolis Star Tribune

The Clown School & Second City Hollywood Welcome New Instructor Today Beginning today, February 7, 2015, The Clown School and Second City Hollywood will be kicking off a second Clowning Level 1 class at Second City's training center in Hollywood.

Datum: | Bron: Broadway World

While practicing the song, Hyorin asked Mad Clown, "Why do the lyrics say that he made her leave, but then says that he thinks he's going to talk of leaving? After treating her badly and making her leave?" Being just a few years older than Hyorin, Mad ...

Datum: | Bron: allkpop

Rubber Soul's agency rep stated on February 6, "Mad Clown participated in a featuring for Rubber Soul's title track and starred in the MV... There was a friendly atmosphere throughout the recording and MV filming." As mentioned earlier, Rubber Soul is ...

Datum: | Bron: allkpop

In 1982′s Poltergeist, brother Robbie (Oliver Robins) can't sleep because of evil trees lurking outside, crashing thunder and lightning, and of course, the maniacal clown doll that jumps to life and tries strangling him under his bed. I still don't ...

Datum: | Bron: Geeks of Doom

Dus niet om de clown als ludieke circusact, maar om de clown als zenmeester die ons leert aandachtig aanwezig te zijn in het moment, het nu, met alles wat zich daarin aandient, in ons en om ons heen, en daar dan 'ja' tegen te zeggen. Thema op deze dag ...

Datum: | Bron: Arnhemse Koerier

Als een overjaarse clown - gebeitelde kop, uitpuilende kikkerogen - stuitert hij over de scène, met een schokkerig fysiek expressionisme dat zijn roots in de mime verraadt. Jongewaard injecteert punk in zijn performance, zingtzegt zijn teksten, switcht ...

Datum: | Bron: De Morgen

Poltergeist has been rated PG-13 for “intense frightening sequences, brief suggestive material, and some language.” Do you think the new clown is scarier than the one in Tobe Hooper's original? Thanks to Bloody reader Michael M. for the heads up.

Datum: | Bron: Bloody Disgusting

The Daniel Bennett Group's The Mystery at Clown Castle, set for release on February 5, 2015, is an album that deserves a listen — or many. It left me wanting to play it again and again. The Mystery at Clown Castle begins with the wonderful “The Clown ...

Datum: | Bron: Something Else! Reviews

Brave Entertainment and D-Business Entertainment's collaborative project 1PUNCH recently debuted with "Turn Me Back", and it looks like they've made an impression with fellow artists. Talented rapper Mad Clown said, "1PUNCH's 'Nightmare' is good.

Datum: | Bron: allkpop

This isn't the first time "Gotham" has promised us the Joker, but this time it sounds like they really mean it. When "Gotham" was set to premiere, we were told that there would be little hints about Batman's arch-nemesis eventually. Well, is seems that ...

Datum: | Bron: Headlines & Global News
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