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SCHIJNDEL - Annet Bouwmans uit Schijndel is ContactClown. In die hoedanigheid gaat ze door het leven als clown Doeke. Bouwmans treedt op als clown in tehuizen en zorgcentra. "Ik zoek contact met mensen, ik wil een glimlach op de gezichten bezorgen.

Datum: | Bron: Brabants Dagblad

Yes, it's time for the Bleacher Report's highly sought-after World Cricket Clown of the Month award, and this month it's the turn of a perennial candidate. You could almost be forgiven for thinking Kevin Pietersen was the official spokesperson for the ...

Datum: | Bron: Bleacher Report

Drake, Lil Duval and Meek Mill Clown Kevin Hart's Leather T-Shirt, but He Has the Last Laugh. It's a great day when rappers and comedians can clown each other on social media. By: Yesha Callahan. Posted: Feb. 2 2015 9:16 AM.

Datum: | Bron: The Root (blog)

The funny thing about being a comedian is sometimes the tables turn and the joker becomes the one getting laughed at. Kevin Hart found out first hand recently when he posted a picture to his Instagram account of him looking suave in what looks like a ...

Datum: | Bron: XXLMAG.COM

Dana McCombs loves clowns. She's the only person I've met who has gotten the autographs of the Shrine Circus clowns. "If you get there early you can go down before the show," she informed me the day before she and 60 or more of her friends donned their ...

Datum: | Bron: The Detroit News

There is strict criteria set for a clown to be nominated for Clown of the Year. Nominees have to show a dedication to the craft of clowning; further the art of clowning; be espected by other clowns; show talents in the craft of entertaining; complete ...

Datum: | Bron: Meadville Tribune

But what is it really like to be a clown in 2015? A unicycle propped against a sofa in the foyer of a backstreet theatre in a small seaside town gives a clue to the people assembled inside. Clown Gathering UK 2015 has drawn about 25 performers from ...

Datum: | Bron: BBC News

ROOSENDAAL - De Nationale Voorleesdagen voor peuters en kleuters werden zaterdagmiddag afgesloten door Linda Matijsen die in de huid van belevingsclown Li was gekropen. In die hoedanigheid bracht zij in de bibliotheek VANnU in Parrotia ...

Datum: | Bron: BN DeStem

Pollard is a clown doctor team co-ordinator for the Humour Foundation, an Australian charity dedicated to promoting the health benefits of humour. She organises a team of clown doctors to cover appointments across three hospitals and herself performs ...

Datum: | Bron: Sydney Morning Herald

In 2008, the clown car was packed with bozos like Tom “stop the Mexicans” Tancredo, Alan “carpetbagger” Keyes, and Fred Thompson, whose claims to fame are playing the FBI honcho who sent Val Kilmer to find his Lakota roots in Thunderheart and setting ...

Datum: | Bron: Indian Country Today Media Network

The Clown School & Second City Hollywood Welcome New Instructor Beginning Saturday, February 7, 2015, The Clown School and Second City Hollywood will be kicking off a second Clowning Level 1 class at Second City's training center in Hollywood.

Datum: | Bron: Broadway World

Meet the Latest Driver of the Anti-Vaccine Clown Car (Who Thinks You're a 'Bad Mother'). Jeffrey Kluger @jeffreykluger. 4:54 PM ET. SHARE. Not your friend: The measles virus—highly magnified—is exceedingly easy to transmit Dr. Gopal Murti/Visuals ...

Datum: | Bron: TIME

NIJMEGEN - De Nijmeegse Frans Houtbeckers, beter bekend als clown Boembats, presenteert dit weekend onder de naam 'Kunst en Vluchtwerk' een autobiografische expositie. In studio 104, aan de Ubbergseweg, is een overzicht te zien van zijn leven ...

Datum: | Bron: De Gelderlander

Doink The Clown first appeared on WWF screens in 1992, expertly played to perfection by Matt Osbourne – so effective was the gimmick as a heel that a portion of fans were legitimately relieved once the persona was switched from the heel side of the ...

Datum: | Bron: WhatCulture

One of the oddest events on the London calendar witnesses scores of professional clowns — some from as far afield as Japan — attend a service in honour of Joseph Grimaldi — 'father of modern clownhood.' The venue for this year's event has moved down ...

Datum: | Bron: Londonist

The head of the New York City teachers union just denounced Gov. Cuomo for “trying to destroy education.” Doesn't everybody know that's the UFT's job!?! Truth is, this city's union-run school system really cannot be “destroyed” much more than it ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Post

The last week of January is here and Mad Clown takes the podium because his new song is on "Fire." The music video features Mad Clown and EXID's Hani as she does everything to get Mad Clown to like her. Mad Clown sings with his great rap skills about ...

Datum: | Bron: KpopStarz

I thought about this line and whether I was born to write, and then decided that I agree with Andy and that I was probably born a clown. Sitting in the dressing room of The Seagull Theatre with top performers from around the county, I felt part of the ...

Datum: | Bron: Norfolk Eastern Daily Press

Clip the Clown changes venues 0. Thursday, January 29, 2015 7:21:32 EST AM. Stock photo. Clip the Clown does not look like this. See him Saturday at St. Mary's College on Wellington Street East.

Datum: | Bron: Sault Star

As for the winners, the first place nominees were Mad Clown and Davichi, but in the end, Mad Clown won this episode with "Fire"! Congratulations! Other performers of the night were Mad Clown, Noel, Davichi, Navi, Jonghyun, U-KISS, Yonghwa, Lizzy, Nine ...

Datum: | Bron: allkpop

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Any film credited with its own “mustache wrangler” really should have been much more fun than Johnny Depp's latest misfiring action-comedy. Mostly set in contemporary England, but aiming for the zingy retro feel of a vintage Peter ...

Datum: | Bron: The Salinas Californian

Please forgive me for this but I can't stop laughing because of it. I blame the Internet completely because if it weren't for how harsh people can be, I wouldn't be typing this in the first place. Remember yesterday how we highlighted J. Cole giving ...

Datum: | Bron: Uproxx

Turning to President Obama's interview with GloZell Green, Stein said if president Obama wants respect “Don't act like a clown if you want respect. You're not a clown, you are the president of the United States, please sir, act like you have some ...

Datum: | Bron: FOX News Radio

ZAANDAM Een gebroken enkel en een gescheurde oogkas: zo eindigde een avondje stappen voor de 18-jarige Jeffrey en zijn vriendin. De twee werden in de nacht van 21 op 22 december na het verlaten van Café de Clown op de Dam in Zaanstad finaal in ...

Datum: | Bron: RTV Noord-Holland

FORT SMITH (KFSM) – A Fort Smith man was hospitalized after an intruder in an Insane Clown Posse mask broke into his home and beat him with a baseball bat, according to a police incident report. The victim told police he was in bed at his home Sunday ...

Datum: | Bron: 5newsonline.com
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