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Lovers of the Caldecott Honor book “A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever,” may well wonder if writer and illustrator Marla Frazee has entirely forsaken her antic sense of humor in “The Farmer and the Clown.” Not to worry. With the turn of a page, a ...

Datum: | Bron: Washington Post

Could this be the weirdest Simpsons 'couch gag' yet? Because we can't think of one which is even half as odd as this. The gag, which aired at the start of the series opener Clown In The Dumps – that's the one which offed a character, in case you'd ...

Datum: | Bron: Metro

De producer van "The Simpsons", Al Jean, had de voorbije maanden al verschillende keren verwezen naar een opmerkelijk overlijden in de serie. Uiteindelijk bleek de ongelukkige de oude rabbijn Hyman Krustofski te zijn, de vader van Krusty de clown.

Datum: | Bron: VRT Nieuws

Hyman Krustofsky is niet meer. U mag schouderophalen, want dat deed televisiekijkend Amerika ook zondag. Rabbi Hyman heeft sinds 1991 een klein rolletje als de vader van Krusty de clown in The Simpsons, de meest legendarische Amerikaanse ...

Datum: | Bron: De Standaard

Hij is de vader van Krusty de clown. We wilden een goed, emotioneel verhaal brengen, zei producer Al Jean op de website van het vakblad The Hollywood Reporter. Bijzonder spannend is dat Krusty en Homer Simpson kort voordien erg dichtbij de dood ...

Datum: | Bron: AD.nl

Michael Fandal is a retired cop, known as “a cop who's a clown” for more than 30 years. On patrol he fought crime in his police uniform, and retired, he says he'll continue fighting crime in his clown costume. He has gone to many schools to warn kids ...

Datum: | Bron: NY City Lens

"American Horror Story-Freak Show," the season 4 of FX's horror anthology series, is set to feature several freaky characters, with different shades. The one character to watch out for is the most terrifying antagonist, Twisty the Clown. The writers ...

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times AU

Maar wie verwachtte dat er echt een belangrijk personage zou sterven, kwam bedrogen uit. Volgens de geruchten zou Krusty de clown het loodje leggen, de aflevering was dan ook getiteld: 'Clown in de put'. Maar eigenlijk ging het om Krusty die rouwt om ...

Datum: | Bron: Gazet van Antwerpen

That's been the major downfall of The Simpsons for, oh, about 15 years now. It seems like we've seen just about every conflict possible with the residents of Springfield, and often more than once. And unfortunately, "Clown in the Dumps" fell victim to ...

Datum: | Bron: IGN

Fresh off a summer of Simpsonsmania, thanks to the phenomenally successful FXX marathon of every episode ever, The Simpsons returns for its 26th season with a nondescript, anti-climactic premiere whose overstuffed cameos and would-be big character ...

Datum: | Bron: A.V. Club

The season premiere of the 26th season for The Simpsons was tonight, and while many fans have drifted from the series, tonight was an occasion marked on calendars everywhere. The reason for this is a majo character death has been teased for over a year ...

Datum: | Bron: FanSided

The episode began with Krusty the Clown (Dan Castellaneta) in a sour mood after a comedy special roast (featuring Jeff Ross and Sarah Silverman as themselves) had him feeling irrelevant and past his prime. At Bart's suggestion, he went to see his Rabbi ...

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times

'The Simpsons' Season 26 premiere: Which character died in 'Clown in the Dumps'? 0. Add to Favorites | The Simpsons. ×. Remove from Favorites. The Simpsons has been added to your favorites. Email me when the show airs. Email me the latest stories of ...

Datum: | Bron: Zap2it.com (blog)

“This is just some sappy-ass, lonely attempt from my big fucking sappy friend Violent J, trying to score some of that Kreayshawn lady,” Shaggy 2 Dope says at the start of Insane Clown Posse's new music video for “The Kreayshawn Song.” “Violent J, go ...

Datum: | Bron: VICE

The Simpsons Season 26 Episode 1 “Clown in the Dumps” airs Sunday September 28, 2014 (8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Season Premiere. Episode Synopsis: The Simpsons Season 26 Episode 1 “Clown in the Dumps” – In the milestone 26th season opener of ...

Datum: | Bron: TV Equals

The bubbly Launceston four-year-old has just met Tasmanian clown doctors Dr Sox and Dr Do Little. They are dressed in white jackets, with colourful socks and colourful hats. The doctors tell Millie she can turn a blank book into one with coloured ...

Datum: | Bron: Tasmania Examiner

First episode “Clown in the Dumps” will see Krusty the Clown get upset and retire after comics, including guest stars Sarah Silverman and Jeff Ross, give him a roasting. “We've seen a lot of top-flight comics tonight,” Silverman says onstage. “But that ...

Datum: | Bron: The Independent

The council said circus organisers did not have permission to inflate the giant clown on Main North Rd, to promote the Bonython Park event. The clown, one of several on private properties throughout the metropolitan area, was deflated late last week.

Datum: | Bron: NEWS.com.au

Cr Allen Harris raised concerns about the clown and the posters at last week's council meeting. “It's purely free advertising and it's quite disappointing,” Cr Harris told the meeting. Prospect Mayor David O'Loughlin said temporary events often did not ...

Datum: | Bron: The Advertiser

american horror story season 4 spoilers Are you ready to be scared? "American Horror Story: Freak Show" will feature a terrifying clown. But Twisty isn't the only circus performer to send shivers down our spines. Check out the 7 scariest clowns on TV ...

Datum: | Bron: International Business Times

In the Fox hit's premiere episode, ominously titled "Clown in the Dumps," Krusty the Clown will decide to retire (!) after being roasted by a handful of comedians, including guest star Sarah Silverman. And we have your first look at Silverman in ...

Datum: | Bron: E! Online

Woensdag 8 oktober staat Jeugdtheater Pagetti op de bühne van Locaal Cultuur Centrum Castagnet met de kindervoorstelling “Clown Gevraagd”. Een werkloze glazenwasser trekt rond in mineur. Hij zoekt een baantje voor wat geld en is het zwerven beu.

Datum: | Bron: Overschiese Krant

24, Modern Family star Eric Stonestreet got quite the surprise on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The Emmy-winning star has a history of falling victim to the host's pranks, which includes people dressed as scary clowns and dogs spooking him from behind.

Datum: | Bron: Us Magazine

The night I've been dreading since last episode's preview has finally arrived: Face Off's killer clown challenge. Consensus seems to be that you either find clowns at least creepy (if not straight-up scary), or you are a liar. Why anyone thought this ...

Datum: | Bron: Entertainment Weekly

“We said in the writer's room that if we were going to do clowns, we were going to create the most terrifying clown of all time.” That was our goal when we were writing him, but I'm worried about people being too afraid of our clown. It's heart ...

Datum: | Bron: NewNowNext
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