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Tom Von Oehsen of Princeton is convinced that red noses, funny make-up and unicycle riding can change the lives of Trenton's youth. Nearly 20 years ago, he started the Clown Academy, a program meant to show the benefits of clowning around while ...

Datum: | Bron: The Star-Ledger

Kort geleden bezocht ik de slechtste expositie OOIT. Dat is heel wat, wat ik daar zeg, maar het is waar. Ik vind het zelf ook ellendig, hoor. Ik bezoek vaak exposities en knijp soms gaarne een oogje dicht. Dat ik het niet zo geweldig vind allemaal ...

Datum: | Bron: HP/De Tijd

Inside the bizarre clown conference in Guatemala. It's a circus out there! A bizarre clown conference in Guatemala saw more than 200 clowns flock to the capital, donning their red noses and bright wigs to exchange tricks of the trade during the 6th ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Daily News

“Sometimes we get our clown stuff on and think everybody loves us and everything is great!” She pantomimes a peppy little dance with a big, toothy smile. Abruptly, she drops the act, her grin slumping into a scowl, shoulders following suit. “Wake up ...

Datum: | Bron: BuzzFeed

If you really have a thing for clowns and murder, you can shell out $10,000 for an executive producer credit. For $1500 you can get a hold of one of the original crosses from Zombie's flick "House of 1000 Corpses" or wait for it...a $2000 donation will ...

Datum: | Bron: CNET

It was back in 1971 when President Nixon signed into law Clown Week, a week to recognize clowns and the work they do for communities around the nation. But over the years, the number of clowns has decreased, the older clowns are retiring and there's ...

Datum: | Bron: YourErie

C-CLOWN took part in a sweet summer photo shoot with 'GanGee' fashion magazine's August issue, transforming into sailor boys! SEE ALSO: C-CLOWN hold a fanmeet to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. Each member shows off his individual charm in his ...

Datum: | Bron: allkpop

Zombie's newest project is called 31, and it's based around the concept of killer clowns terrorizing civilians at a place called Murder World, who presumably got a really good deal on Groupon. But unlike all those other killer clown movies, these ...

Datum: | Bron: A.V. Club

URBANA — Attendees of this year's Champaign County Fair rodeo are letting officials know they were disgusted by racist comments made by a rodeo clown during the show. Some have demanded that C-Bar Rodeo Company, which put on the July 20 show, ...

Datum: | Bron: Champaign/Urbana News-Gazette

“Ibrahimovic had er ook geen moeite mee om Andrés Iniesta en Xavi een uitbrander te geven. Ik herinner me dat hij ooit tegen Xavi zei na een slechte pass tijdens de training: 'Wat een clown ben je, wat voor pass is dat?'. Ik zeg niet dat Zlatan de ...

Datum: | Bron: Voetbal4u.com

"Ibrahimovic had er ook geen moeite mee om Andrés Iniesta en Xavi een uitbrander te geven. Ik herinner me dat hij ooit tegen Xavi zei na een slechte pass tijdens de training: 'Wat een clown ben je, wat voor pass is dat?'. Ik zeg niet dat Ibrahimovic de ...

Datum: | Bron: ELFvoetbal.nl

The sixth annual Congress of Latin American clowns took place this week in Guatemala City, where more than 200 professional clowns gathered to exchange tricks of the trade. The conference — which included clowns from El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua ...

Datum: | Bron: Business Insider

Acrobatische trucs en al te veel lichamelijke inspanning behoren inmiddels voorgoed tot het verleden. De clown uit Vlaardingen beperkt zich tot grapjes, liedjes en lolletjes met de kinderen. De campinggasten in Den Ham, zowel jong als oud, genoten ervan.

Datum: | Bron: Tubantia

Vrolijkheid op de straten van Guatemala-Stad. In de hoofdstad van Guatemala, een land dat normaal verscheurd wordt door moorden en ander geweld, vinden dezer dagen het jaarljkse Latin American Clown Congress plaats. Het is voor het zesde jaar op rij ...

Datum: | Bron: nrc.nl

A robber dressed as a clown collecting cash for charity has been caught on camera walking into a shop and demanding money from staff. The thief strolled into a currency exchange shop wearing a yellow wig, white face paint and a pink prosthetic nose and ...

Datum: | Bron: Daily Mail

Dmytro Chygrynskiy has hailed former Barcelona team-mate Zlatan Ibrahimovic's "amazing personality", revealing how the striker once called Xavi "a clown" in training. Chygrynskiy and Ibrahimovic played alongside one another at Camp Nou during the ...

Datum: | Bron: Yahoo Singapore News

A clown had the smile wiped off her face when she crashed her clown car into a utility pole in New Jersey following a performance at a school. The clown, 68, was adjusting her GPS unit when she veered off the road and crashed her Toyota into the pole, ...

Datum: | Bron: Metro

The one-car crash occurred in Westwood when Suzanne Serio, 68, having just entertained kids as part of a clown group at an elementary school, lost control of her car, police said. As soon as they saw the crash, Serio's colleagues -- still dressed in ...

Datum: | Bron: Fox News

A female clown was driving home from a show at an elementary school in Westwood, New Jersey, on Monday when she reportedly reached for her GPS, ran off the road, and into a utility pole. Several fellow clowns quickly arrived on the scene to assist her.

Datum: | Bron: The Week Magazine

Fellow clown and witness, Jack "Poppi T Clown" Erbstein of Mahwah — who donned an orange, curly wig and tiny top hat while speaking with police at the scene — told the paper that the unidentified driver had become distracted after her GPS device fell ...

Datum: | Bron: New York Daily News

This is the moment a man walked into a shop and demanded money from staff – while dressed as a clown. The thief strolled into a currency exchange shop wearing a yellow wig, white face paint and a pink prosthetic nose and forced a terrified worker to ...

Datum: | Bron: Liverpool Echo

Jack "Poppi T Clown" Erbstein tells The Record newspaper the driver was reaching for a GPS device that fell off the windshield when she veered off the road and hit the pole. About 10 clowns had performed and were leaving the camp in their individual ...

Datum: | Bron: The Journal News / Lohud.com

The Simpsons character Krusty the Clown upset viewers by swearing at a time when children were likely to be watching the show, prompting complaints. The washed-up boozy clown was heard to use the word “bastard” during an edition of the programme ...

Datum: | Bron: The Guardian

The suspects fled the area in a grey Lexus SUV and head east on 25th Street towards Tuttle Avenue. (Photo: GoogleMaps). 2 CONNECT 3 TWEETLINKEDIN 1 COMMENTEMAILMORE. Sarasota, Florida -- Two people were robbed at a home on Booker ...

Datum: | Bron: WTSP 10 News

LAKE PLACID — Now that police have identified five suspects and plan to charge them with the recent vandalism on the American Clown Museum and School, police want to help prevent future damage. The Lake Placid Police Department is asking the ...

Datum: | Bron: News-Sun
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